According to Inlet, the relationship aims to help joint customers combine Spinnaker’s encoding engine with Akamai’s Media Delivery and Stream OS services to easily stream live content over the internet.

This latest version of Spinnaker software includes support for Adobe Flash VP6 and H.264 authentication to Akamai in HD and/or SD resolutions; multiple streams, individually authenticated; and the ability to republish H.264 streams that have been disconnected, said Inlet.

In addition, Spinnaker supports and authenticates Windows Media/VC-1 live streaming to any CDN, allowing users to broadcast up to four live streams simultaneously to their CDN of choice, added Inlet.

Tim Napoleon, chief strategist for media and entertainment at Akamai Technologies, said: Inlet’s Spinnaker fits perfectly with Akamai’s mission of helping customers increase the size and reach of their valuable content libraries to maximize business opportunity. Spinnaker easily integrates with the Akamai network for customers looking to stream video in HD or standard definition and in all the key formats like H.264, VP6 and VC-1.