Motorola has launched two new wireless LAN network management services designed to help IT departments simplify the maintenance and management of their wireless LAN networks.

According to Motorola, with advanced troubleshooting and self-monitoring at run time radio frequency (SMART RF) services, IT managers can remotely analyze and perform network testing from a central location as well as take advantage of next-generation self-healing features for hassle-free network management and optimal wireless LAN performance.

Motorola claims that its advanced troubleshooting system proactively identifies wireless LAN configuration issues that affect business-critical applications, helping IT managers reduce or eliminate bottlenecks and minimize downtime across the entire network.

Motorola has said that SMART RF, the next generation RF management technology, puts the wireless LAN RF environment on autopilot, reducing network monitoring costs by enabling the wireless LAN to automatically adapt to the ever-changing RF conditions. This technology also supports high-density deployment by automatically lowering power and selecting channels to minimize co-channel interference.

Sujai Hajela, vice president and general manager of enterprise wireless LAN at Motorola Enterprise Mobility Solutions business, said: Motorola’s new advanced troubleshooting and SMART RF solutions offer a smart and cost-effective alternative to traditional onsite diagnosis and troubleshooting expenditures, further simplifying management of the all-wireless enterprise network.