Streaming service Netflix’s US Twitter account was hacked by a group named OurMine, which is known for hacking several high-profile social media accounts.

After hacking the Netflix account, the group posted tweets to promote its own website and services.

They were deleted about an hour after they appeared on the Netflix account, BBC reported.

One of the tweets posted by the hacker group on the account reads: “Don’t worry we are just testing your security.”

Earlier, OurMine had also hacked Twitter accounts of Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and Google chief executive Sundar Pichai.

The hackers told the publication that they could still access the account and were able to post the tweets.

However, the tweets were removed “by Twitter Support”.

HackedIn November, OurMine said that it had reached to Zuckerberg Twitter and Pinterest accounts again.

It found his changed password as dr1nkbur.

OurMine said: “What his password was? his password previously was dadada , and we told him to protect his own accounts, but unfortunately he didn’t listen and he used easy password again, but at least he enabled 2-step verification on his twitter.

The Saudi Arabia-based hacker group is said to have over 40,000 Twitter followers.

The group hacked 200,000 user credentials from the DayZ community forum in February this year. It was also responsible for the large-scale DDoS attacks against various financial institutions in 2015.

In September, a new coalition of tech companies including Uber and Twitter has formed to collaborate on cyber security issues and practices.

The Vendor Security Alliance aims to address the cyber security risk of company’s business partners, a growing issue in cyber security.

A recent survey has revealed that the number of cybercrime victims grew 10% globally in 2015 as hackers exploited vulnerabilities to sneak into homes via connected devices.

Norton by Symantec surveyed 20,907 consumers online in 21 countries, finding that 689 million people were victims of cybercrime in the past year.