ZTE, a China-based provider of telecommunications equipment and network services, has launched a next-generation iWDM system integrated with wavelength switched optical network, photonic cross-connect, L2 switch and Optical Transport Network technologies.

According to the company, the iWDM (wavelength-division multiplexing) enables better grooming of large granule services such as GE/10GE, a breakthrough over conventional WDM equipment which only serves as an optical fiber channel.

iWDM has other features including intelligent control plane, high-capacity optical layer and service layer scheduling, as well as carrier-grade protection to leverage carriers’ investment.

ZTE’s iWDM product family consists of ZXWM M920, a long-haul optical network product; ZXONE 8600, a large capacity optical cross-connect network system; ZXMP M820, a metro optical network product; and ZXMP M720, a metro edge optical network product.

Chen Yufei, deputy general manager of bearer network product line at ZTE, said: We’re pleased to roll out our iWDM solution in the global market to fulfill the strong demand for cost-effective WDM equipment and in line with current industry developments. ZTE is dedicated to providing operators with robust and reliable solutions that can protect existing investments and lower their TCO.