United Arab Emirates-based telecom operator du has launched a new postpaid mobile package called Elite Plan for individual mobile users.

The company said that the Elite Plan is designed for high-end individuals by offering a choice of special numbers, the benefits of a prepaid account on a postpaid plan and monthly rewards and up to 75% rewards on international calls depending on the monthly volume of international calls.

The company also said that it offers star dial feature for du Elite Plan customers. This feature gives the user the opportunity to avail the benefits of a prepaid plan such as the three recharge options with more time and more credit. For call charges to be deducted from the prepaid account, du customers need to prefix the star symbol before entering the number they wish to dial. Calls made using the star dial feature do not reflect in the monthly bill.

With the new service, du customers can stay in touch across five continents with its international roaming footprint. Customers can roam with over 360 leading telecom operators spread over 132 countries and access a full range of services such as making and receiving calls, sending and receiving SMS, accessing high speed mobile internet. Customers roaming within the Gulf Cooperation Council can avail incoming call rates of AED1.25 while roaming.

du subscribers can also access mobile internet and Blackberry email service in over 230 mobile networks worldwide. In addition, du has tied up with over 75 network providers in 47 countries to provide 3G (voice and data) roaming services. du customers with 3G phones can access internet and other 3G services while roaming in these networks.

According to the company, customers can choose their own number with Elite Plan. These special numbers are free. Customers have to commit to a minimum monthly spending amount according to the preferred number category.

If the usage charges are equal to or higher than the minimum monthly commitment amount, customers only pay their total usage charges. If the usage charges are lower, only monthly committed amount is paid. The monthly commitment does not cover SMS sent to premium numbers or short codes and calls made while roaming abroad, according to du.