The Security Serious Unsung Heroes Awards took place this month in London and honoured those who work tirelessly to avert disasters from attacks against our critical national infrastructure, defend their networks from the daily onslaught of breaches and highlight the cyber pitfalls to educate everyone.

The list of winners:

CISO Supremo

  • Mark Jones, Allen & Overy
  • Avtar Sehmbi, HSBC
  • Dr Robert Coles, GSK
  • Thom Langford, Publicis Groupe
  • Andrew Rose, NATS

    Godfather of Security

  • Brian Shorten, Charities Security Forum
  • Professor Fred Piper, Royal Holloway University

    Security Avengers 

  • Publicis Groupe Team

    Best Security Awareness Campaign
    Amar Singh, GiveADay

  • Social Media Saviour
    Katie Sanderson, Lockcode Cyber Security

    Mobile Mogul

  • Charles Brookson, Azenby

    Security Leader
    Quentyn Taylor, Canon

    Cloud Security Superhero

  • Andrew Hardie, BCS

    Fraud Fighter 

  • Luis Aguair, Metro Bank

    Game Changer

  • Hugh Boyes, IET Cyber Security

    Marathon (Wo)Man

  • Vicki Gavin, Economist Group

    Spidey Sense
    Professor John Walker, HEX Forensics

    Captain Compliance 

  • Eddie Dynes, Gatwick Airport

    Cyber Writer
    Warwick Ashford

    Security Serious week was attended by notable names in the technology industry.

Security Serious week was attended by notable names in the technology industry.

Lead organiser of Security Serious Week, Yvonne Eskenzi, Director of Eskenzi PR said:  “The daily headlines of hacks and breaches emphasises the challenges the UK and the rest of the world face – but that doesn’t mean we should roll over. The Unsung Heroes Awards means professionals from the private and public sectors, plus media and bloggers, will finally gain the recognition they deserve. Hopefully, these individuals will act as ambassadors for the profession, encouraging any promising hackers to join the good fight rather than be lured over to the dark side.”

The Unsung Heroes Awards are part of Security Serious Week, a week long campaign that aims to arm individuals and organisations with the intelligence and capabilities to thwart attacks.