Telstra has revealed organisational changes which the company says will help it to grow in key markets, invest in innovation, and provide better customer service.

David Thodey, chief executive officer of Telstra, said: Today I am taking another step to organise Telstra around our core strategy: to compete in the fastest-growing markets in Australia and overseas, lead the industry by investing in new products and services, and deliver a better experience for our valued customers”

The key changes include, the creation of two new product units, headed by Justin Milne and Philip Jones, to enable Telstra to compete effectively in fixed and mobile markets. The creation of a new international unit, headed by Tarek Robbiati and consolidation of network, technology and IT functions and the appointment of Michael Rocca as acting COO to drive the company’s network and technology excellence.

In addition, the changes also include the appointment of Robert Nason to lead a new customer satisfaction, simplification and productivity unit responsible for enhancing customer service. It also includes the creation of an operating committee, comprising the heads of customer-facing and product units, to meet weekly and focus on business performance.

The changes mean that the company will have four main functional groups, customer-facing units, product-based business units, a newly consolidated operations unit, and corporate support units, as well as the new international division sensis and telstra wholesale.

Mr Thodey said that its product portfolio would be divided into two specialist groups, PSTN, fixed broadband, bigpond & media to be headed by Justin Milne, and wireless, data, applications & services to be headed by Philip Jones on an acting basis.

These new groups will help us focus on opportunities in markets that are most important for Telstra’s future, like the ‘digital home’. This structure will allow us to continue to innovate and provide leading-edge products and services that meet our customers’ needs, he added.