Advent Software’s subsidiary MicroEdge has introduced FIMS CRM application. A tailored version of Salesforce CRM, the new application provides constituent relationship management for community, faith-based and educational foundations using FIMS, MicroEdge’s Foundation Information Management System.

MicroEdge said that its new web-based solution has been developed to help foundations manage interconnected constituent relationships, particularly as it relates to donor development and management.

The company said that foundations could manage each stage of the donor development process within FIMS CRM. Leads, activities, and dates associated with specific opportunities can be easily tracked, while tasks and goals can be assigned to staff members.

The company also said that FIMS CRM provides foundations a view of their constituent activities by tracking all interaction history within a single constituent record. Flexible forecasting and reporting feature reportedly provides visibility into prospect pipelines to help plan for future growth.

Benny Melumad, chief technology officer of MicroEdge, said: “Our clients have told us that full-featured CRM is what they need most, and we are excited to provide them with best in class capabilities through a tailored version of Salesforce CRM.

“Foundations can now directly and easily incorporate comprehensive constituent relationship management into their business processes while maintaining a seamless exchange of information with FIMS.”