In what is being billed as a major win for Microsoft over competitors Salesforce and Oracle, HP Inc is to move to Microsoft Dynamics CRM software.

HP sales and support staff will now manage sales processes with Microsoft software as part of a six-year contract between the two companies. Sales and support staff had previously used Salesforce and Oracle software to run sales processes, with the new deal seeing Microsoft Dynamics rolled out to approximately 6,500 HP salespeople and 20,000 support staff.

The deal extends Microsoft’s relationship with HP, with the latter having already invested in Azure, Office 365 and other Microsoft cloud solutions.

"We have chosen Microsoft Dynamics as our CRM solution for our direct selling, partners and services," said Jon Flaxman, chief operating officer, HP. "This brings us a cloud-based solution that delivers a more effective and efficient collaboration engine across our business."

In what may have given Microsoft the edge over competitors such as Salesforce, Office 365 is strongly linked to Dynamics CRM, a key point seeing as how millions of global businesses utilise Office productivity apps.

For HP, the six-year deal highlights efforts to revamp its sales and partner environment, with the goal being to increase productivity and collaboration for a company newly split from HPE.