
Gecko is a clever new gadget created by technologists in India. It’s a Bluetooth enabled remote that can control your smartphone.

You can program Gecko so certain actions, such as shaking it, will skip to the next track on your iTunes, or turning it upside down could make an emergency call. In terms of safety and feeling secure when out and about, this little gadget could potentially save a lot of people from harm.

You can also link it to your camera to take photos remotely, rather than straining your arms to take the perfect selfie or setting the timer and running, which can leave you flustered to reach your destination and position in time.

One of Gecko’s most impressive features is that it can be used as a motion detector. It can be clipped onto your dog’s collar so you can know if it escapes from the back garden. It also has a tracking function can also let you find your misplaced smartphone.

If all this wasn’t enough, it also features a built-in ambient temperature sensor, which can monitor the temperature in your home and will send your smartphone an alert when it gets too hot or cold. This is a great idea, whether you’re monitoring the temperature in the bedroom of your elderly relatives or your children, it can ease the task of looking after those around you.

The device can be funded and bought for an early bird pledge of at least $20 on Indiegogo.