Dell Computer Corp has announced a new pan-European price structure, whereby it will fix prices of all its computer products across the continent: allowing for tax differences and other minor adjustments, Dell says end users are guaranteed a consistent price tag, whether they buy in Finland, Spain or the UK; in order to achieve the new price infrastructure, Dell has had to cut some of its personal computer prices further Scandinavia has reaped the biggest benefits, particularly on high-end 80486-based models for which prices have been slashed by up to 60%, while some UK prices have dropped a further 15% to 34%; exchange rate effects are to be reviewed on a quarterly basis; the new scheme is part of Dell’s recent European drive, which has so far included the establishment of a manufacturing plant in Limerick, Ireland, a European support centre in the Netherlands, a telemarketing centre planned for Montpelier and a re-shuffled European management structure; Dell says no other supplier – it means IBM Corp and Compaq Computer Corp – can support multinational companies on the same scale as it now can.