The Hounslow, Middlesex-based UK end of Rockwell International Inc has released the latest software upgrade for its Galaxy automatic call distribution system, specifically designed for Europe. Rockwell has also installed the first European Edition of the system at the UK headquarters of Federal Express, in Coventry. Apart from being designed for use in European telecommunication networks, the system is like other Galaxy systems and can support up to 1,200 operators – more if several systems are linked together. According to Maurice Box, Rockwell’s director for European business, Galaxy can handle 0800 numbers, mail order, financial, travel, car rental, airline and telesales applications. The system includes all usual automatic call distribution functions and has fault-tolerance, using dual processors. Box says that automatic line number identification is one of the US features not available on the European edition of Galaxy. However, subject to a European Commission directive, he says that it will become available in the UK when ISDN becomes widespread. The Rockwell system, he says, is more for business-to-business applications, recognising that private individuals wish to remain private individuals. Box agrees that other US Rockwell kit, such as the specialised phone exchange solely for emergency services and the directory enquiry systems used by Baby Bells, could also find customers in Europe following deregulation.