Tivoli Systems Inc, Austin, Texas, has announced a slew of third party network and systems management applications and services that will work alongside its Tivoli Management Environment, key component of the Open Software Foundation’s Distributed Computing Environment. They include Hewlett-Packard Co’s PerfView distributed performance manager; Cygnus Support Inc’s Kerebos-based security system; Epoch Systems Inc’s back-up software; OpenService SJI Inc’s network monitoring system; ProTools’ network analyser; Remedy Corp’s help desk system; Santix Software GmbH’s network integration package; and System Architecture Inc’s Autosys job scheduler. Tivoli’s Tivoli Management System is up on Sun Microsystems Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co workstations – Windows NT support follows next year. Mountain View, California-based Remedy Corp has also converted its help desk for NCR Corp’s StarSentry systems management environment running on the firm’s iAPX-86-based System 3000 series – prices start at $6,500.