ABM, a provider of software for police and law enforcement agencies, has launched the new Crime Wizard module for its Information Management System, which is an integrated crime, intelligence and property management system.

According to ABM, the Information Management System (IMS) Crime Wizard provides a flexible interface, guiding the user through the information entry process when recording a crime.

ABM has said that its Crime Wizard supports customized data entry procedures for different units to meet their specific requirements and provides different data entry procedures for different crime severities. Time required for training is reportedly reduced because Crime Wizard guides the user through the data input process.

ABM said that Nottinghamshire Police will be one of the first services to implement Crime Wizard. By simplifying crime recording activities using the module, officers are expected to be able to spend more time investigating and solving crimes, rather than re-keying basic details. As crime desk operatives are fed all the questions pertinent at the time of initial data entry, the system will also reportedly reduce the time required for follow-up calls.

Alastair Luff, managing director of ABM UK, said: Bureaucracy has long been a concern of police services throughout the UK, even prior to the Flanagan report, putting a frustrating barrier between the expectation and delivery of frontline policing. The new module will further enhance and deliver improved efficiencies and performance for police services utilizing IMS.