Kode International Plc has managed to turn its performance around during the year to December 31, with pre-tax profits of UKP504,000, against losses of UKP1.5m last time. Turnover, however, fell 42% to UKP16m, though chairman Alan Brooker points out that this is due to the disposal of businesses over the period. Kode Computers, which sold its distribution business last February, is reported to have made progress, having enhanced its services, and received an A supplier grading from IBM. A City office has been established and the division is concentrating on higher value sites, particularly in the DEC product range. KAM Circuits, which manufactures printed circuit boards, turned in a commendable level of profit despite the declining trading environment. By acquiring Doplar Designs the division has gained design and prototype facilities. KAM Printronics, Kode’s joint venture to manufacture high volume printed circuit board in China made a positive contribution in its first full year of operation. The group reports a strong balance sheet and looks forward to a healthy 1991.