Pitney Bowes has announced the expansion of VIP, VDE and FlexServer output management services.

According to the company, the VIP and VDE versions 8.8 offer support for the PDF/A-1b format for document archiving systems, and optimized performance for color workflows.

Pitney Bowes said that, building upon the inherent ‘any-to-any’ printstream capability in maximizing print asset utilization, VIP and VDE provide advanced support for the Kodak Versamark V-Series printing systems IJPDS print device. With 600 by 600 dpi resolution support and the ability to concatenate resources, these solutions reportedly optimize print production performance and increase productivity.

Concatenation is the combination or joining of two or more text strings. The joining of IJPDS resource and print files is reported to enable improved printer performance when sending multiple jobs with various print resources.

Pitney Bowes said that FlexServer 2009 is available on the Microsoft Windows platform. The system has the same functionality and benefits as the traditional Unix version, and is compatible with additional Windows-based Production Intelligence services. FlexServer integrate with the VIP transformation system for ‘any-to-any’ printing and with DFWorks for real-time production tracking and analytics that monitor and measure workflow resources, jobs and mail-piece status.

Peter D’Amato, vice president of global product management and marketing for Pitney Bowes Emtex, said: Our robust output management solutions continue to be the foundation of our Production Intelligence workflow suite. In order to support digital and color print and mail workflows, we will continue to enhance our solutions across multi-vendor platforms. Each innovation supports our mission to help customers optimize their production efficiency.