Beaverton, Oregon-based Tektronix Inc has introduced the industry’s first PEX terminal, the TekXpress XP29P, designed for developing distributed two- and three-dimensional applications. It is based on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology X Consortium’s initial PEX5R1 release and supports version 5 of the PEX protocol. Enhancements are said to extend the sample MIT implementation with improved lighting, shading and colour capabilities. The company believes the widgets will be attractive to independent software vendors building graphics software development libraries, vendors peddling high-end servers, and researchers developing distributed graphics applications. The unit’s multiprocessor architecture uses both a 68030 and a TI34020 graphics co-processor and 34082 floating point processor. It comes standard with 7Mb of memory expandable to 39Mb, 128Kb ROM, IBM 101-key or VT200 keyboard and a mouse. Prices start at $7,000. It is compatible with DECwindows, Motif, Open Look and X View. A 17 monochrome screen is also available as is a 1,280 by 1,024 19 Panasonic monitor and several others.