Despite its heavy involvement in the Sparc world, Fujitsu Ltd has surprisingly chosen a 20MHz Motorola Inc 68030 to power its entry into the Unix notebook market. According to Newsbytes, the A$-size FMG-1500NX comes with thin-film transistor colour display putting up 640 by 480 pixels. Weighing 6 lbs 10 oz, it sells for the equivalent of $7,800 with 60Mb disk in Japan. A 240Mb disk is available, and there is a slot for an 80386SX board to enable it to run the Fujitsu version of MS-DOS from the FMR series of personal computers. Electronic mail, print server, client-server and multiple transaction server software is on the way, and Fujitsu hopes to sell an unlikely 40,000 of the things over two years.