Business management and information systems provider COA Solutions has announced the release of an employee engagement module, part of People Analytics, COA’s human resource (HR) business intelligence system.

The new module is said to enable organisations to engage with their staff, to develop and motivate them. The system is said to measure, cultivate and manage an employee’s well-being against pre-defined key performance indicators (KPIs). It is hoped this will result in a more productive workforce and a better working environment.

Staff surveys will be used to generate the information necessary for the engagement module to measure and manage levels of staff satisfaction. COA says that the module integrates with HR systems to extract various data to provide a clearer picture of issues facing HR.

The module can monitor development, team engagement, new starter satisfaction and leadership capability and produce reports on these subjects, which it says will enable bosses to more effectively manage and retain their workers.

Mark Thompson, COA Solutions’ managing director said: “A happy and motivated workforce is an organisation’s most valuable asset and so managers should never become complacent about engaging staff, especially during an economic slump. It’s essential to easily identify, develop and retain employees to improve business performance and stay ahead of the competition, which is why solutions such as the employee engagement module are so important.

Thompson added that the current economic situation should encourage enterprises to do all they can to keep staff happy and productive.

He said: “High staff absenteeism rates and poor performance levels are typical symptoms of unhappy staff which can jeopardise an organisation’s survival, especially in turbulent economic times. The employee engagement module provides a cost-effective solution that enables organisations to nurture engagement and improve motivation levels across an entire workforce. Employees are also likely to be more productive, more customer-focused and display greater loyalty, ultimately impacting the organisation’s bottom line.”