Datasure Ltd has introduced new products for the London insurance industry, Brokasure/X and Broker 2000. Brokasure/X is a Unix implementation of the company’s existing Brokasure software product for the IBM RS/6000. Aimed at the direct and reinsurance broker, the system offers full Limnet support, Limnet being the electronic network for London insurance. Southend, Essex-based Datasure, the computer services division of C E Heath Plc, is also offering Broker 2000, which is fully integrated with Brokasure/X and enables brokers to use networked personal computers to offer business over Limnet. Brokasure/X is divided into five modules: quotation and order processing, risk processing, statistical facilities, accounts management and management reporting. Managing director Roger Summers estimates that a small broker will pay UKP100,000 for a standard system, including hardware. Broker 2000 sits between the brokers’ host slip and cover noting systems and connects to the bureau machines, operated by Lloyd’s, the London Insurers and Reinsurers Market Association LIRMA, and ILU, the Institute of London Underwriters, via Limnet. The system supports the handling of quotations, firm orders, declarations, agreement of endorsements and the advising of the signed lines. The cost of Broker 2000 will be UKP10,000 for the first user on the network and UKP1,000 a year for support. There’s no penalty for additional users on the network other than a UKP500-a-year support charge. Datasure funded the development of Broker 2000 from its UKP1.8m annnual development budget. Broker 2000 for MS-DOS personal computers will be out in April.