Novell claims first comprehensive offering of its kind with NetWare Management System Version 2

Novell Inc kicked off the big NetWorld show in Dallas this week with the launch of NetWare Management System Version 2. Describing it as cornerstone of Novell’s management strategy, Novell says that version 2.0 is a comprehensive, centralised management system designed to enable customers to manage multivendor, distributed networks as an integrated system. The Provo, Utah company claims that with it, users can for the first time, manage services such as address management, applications and network analysers as well as devices such as hubs, routers, servers and workstations from a central console – and that NMS 2.0 is priced to ensure customers with all sized networks can benefit from its centralised management capabilities. It now distributes management services such as network analysis and mapping on NetWare, making it simpler for customers to manage remote resources, customise management policies and add management services as their networks grow, Novell claims. New new service management features include distributed network analysis of device interactions, remote monitoring of critical services, IP and IPX address management, mapping of all devices, and built-in expert assistance. NetWare server, hub and router management, previously offered separately, are now integrated into the core NMS product. The company also announced NetWare LANalyzer Agent 1.0, and says that in combination with it, NMS 2.0 can remotely discover, monitor and analyse all Ethernet and Token Ring segments for truly distributed network analysis. NMS 2.0 is out now at $2,500; upgrading from NetWare Services Manager (Windows) 1.1 and LANtern Services Manager 1.3b to NMS 2.0 costs $200. Novell also extended its NetWare Distributed Management Services strategy with the NetWare LS Software Development Kit. The NetWare Licensing System will offer electronic software licensing services that provide tools to manage software assets and monitor licence compliance in a distributed computing network, it says: the kit is designed to enable developers to write applications that take full advantage of the Novell licensing management services. It will be available this month to Novell’s favoured and most capable software developers.

Developer versions of three of the AppWare tools are now available, Novell announces

At BrianShare Dallas ’93, Novell also announced that developer versions of three of its AppWare tools are now available. The first developer release is intended to provide early access to the AppWare technology, and further updates will be provided before the May general release. The Novell Visual AppBuilder, AppWare Foundation Software Developer’s Kit and AppWare Loadable Module kit will begin shipping by the end of the month. Key components of the AppWare system, Visual AppBuilder, AppWare Loadable Modules and AppWare Foundation are designed to improve and accelerate the process of creating and deploying cross-system network applications. The AppWare Foundation consists of programming libraries and a universal application programming interface for accessing operating system, user interface and communications services. The idea is that instead of coding and recoding to different application programming interface sets to support multiple systems, a developer will write the application code once to a single interface and then simply recompile the application to deploy it on alien systems. The AppWare Foundation kit is available for Windows, Macintosh, UnixWare, SunOS, and HP-UX, and future versions will include support for OS/2, Windows NT, Solaris, and AIX. The Novell Visual AppBuilder is priced $500 for each system, and the AppWare Loadable Module development kit costs $300. The AppWare Foundation Software Developer’s Kit is $600 for each system.

Borland to combine ObjectWindows with AppWare

Meantime Borland International Inc announced that it will combine its ObjectWindows Library with Novell Inc’s AppWare Foundation technology to provide deve

lopers with C++-based cross-system development libraries in a new ObjectWindows for AppWare, enabling thousands of Microsoft Windows developers to move their applications to OS/2, Macintosh System and Unix. ObjectWindows is a set of class libraries for developing applications in C++, currently for Windows; the Novell AppWare Foundation is a set of C libraries that provides developers with cross-system functionality across multiple operating systems, graphical interfaces and network services. ObjectWindows for AppWare is based on ObjectWindows 2.0, available now through the Borland C++ for Win32 Early Experience Programme. ObjectWindows for AppWare is set to ship in the summer of 1994 and will be distributed by both firms.

Gupta integrates its tools, database with AppWare

And Gupta Corp and Novell Inc signed product and marketing agreements to integrate Gupta tools and database products with Novell’s AppWare. In exchange, the agreement gives Gupta rights to embed AppWare tools in its products. Gupta will also adopt the AppWare Foundation Layer as its own multi-system portability vehicle for delivering UnixWare, Macintosh and OS/2 versions of its client-server tools. The first product will be a Gupta SQLBase single-user engine AppWare Loadable Module, which will be embedded in Novell’s AppWare Developer Kits. This will be tested in first quarter 1994 and ship by June. The second product will be an AppWare Loadable Module version of the Gupta Quest client-server tool for end-users, out by the end of the third quarter, and the third an AppWare version of SQLWindows client-server development system for programmers.