Commenting on its figures – see alongside – AT&T Co says it expects that its $4,200m charge for restructuring will result in significant financial benefits. The company noted that with the acquisition of NCR, AT&T now derives almost a quarter of its turnover from international markets. Of the $4,200m total AT&T and NCR charges, $3,500m were for business restructuring 14,000 more employees are to go by 1994, and $700m were for items such as merger expenses, legal expenses and asset writedowns. About $1,500m were for merging AT&T’s Computer Systems unit into NCR. Charges of $1,100m were for improving distribution systems and business communications equipment operations. A $1,400m charge is for the costs of other actions, including plans to make more effective use of the company’s leased space; merger-related costs; restructuring in some smaller business units; and the writedown of several investments. The additional $200m are charges at NCR for closing a plant and merger costs. Sales of all computer products and systems declined by 17.3% and were $818m for the quarter.