UK financial software house Clarke & Tilley Ltd, based in Cheam, Surrey, has released Uptix, its multi-currency asset management system, in an attempt to revamp its profile in the open systems market. Developed in C and based on SQL and X Window technology, Uptix is claimed to integrate fully with associated Unix tools. The company’s new managing director, Mike Winn, former managing director of ACT Financial Systems, is aiming to grow the company to a UKP20m international organisation by 1995 through providing turnkey systems, helped by manufacturers and other software houses. As well as providing Digital Equipment Corp’s R5000 DECstations and Informix’s database and Wingz spreadsheet, Clarke & Tilley is negotiating hardware contracts with ICL Plc and Sun Microsystems Inc and is looking to resell treasury management and dealing room software. It plans to offer Microsoft Corp NT, OSF/2 and Digital Equipment Corp’s Alpha RISC technology in the future. Contracts to date include providing Uptix for Merrill Lynch & Co and Credit Lyonnais SA. Clarke & Tilley will distribute the products through its 20 offices worldwide and is hoping to expand into Eastern Europe.