Digital Equipment Corp is set to announce a deal with Norway’s public telecommunications operator, Norwegian Telecom, to provide a range of software packages and support services that will run on the company’s DEC, IBM Corp and Sun Microsystems Inc Unix systems, eventually supporting up to 10,000 users. Last April, after opting for the open systems road, Norwegian Telecom chose DEC, IBM and Sun to fulfill its Unix hardware requirements for the next 10 years: Norwegian Telecom is budgeting some UKP11m a year for this task. DEC is to supply and service 18,000-strong Norwegian Telecom’s Unix office automation software on these systems, including WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3, VisionWare’s XVision MS-DOS emulator, IXI X.desktop (and OSF/Motif on the Sun Sparcsystems), using local sub-contractors.