Ask Computer Systems Inc of Mountain View has reported fourth quarter revenues of $127.9m up from $66.5m a year ago. Operating income for the quarter rose to $12.8m up from $4.4m a year ago. Full year revenues for 1991 ending June 30 are $343.9m, up from $207.5 in 1990. Sales were boosted by consolidation of Ingres, the relational database company which Ask took over in October. The figures include eight and half months of Ingres sales, which the company says are up 20% in the year to June. Sales of its manufacturing packages, which slumped badly during the Gulf War, were excellent during the fourth quarter, the company says. But net profit, flat at $2.6m for the quarter, was held back by $4.3m interest payments and other items resulting from the tidying up after the takeover.