Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA has expanded its PCS range of personal computers with a new compact series, designed to be as easy to run as possible. Each machine has pre-loaded software: Welcome SW, MS-DOS 5.0, Windows 3.0, Norton Anti Virus Utility from Symantec Corp, Double Disk Utility from Vertisoft System, and LIM/EMS 4.0 driver. They also have an easy-to-use menu devised by Olivetti and tutorial or how-to-use facilities written onto the hard disk. The series comprises a PCS 11, a PCS 33, and a PCS 44. The PCS 11 is a 80386SX 16MHz model aimed at the home and small business user. It has 2Mb of memory, a 40Mb hard disk, a 1.44Mb floppy disk and costs ?600. The PCS 11 is available now and has an A4 footprint, making it notebook size. The PCS 33 is a 25MHz 80386SX machine for general office use. It has 2Mb of memory, a 1.44Mb floppy disk, and hard disks ranging from 40Mb to 120Mb, with price ranging likewise from ?700 to ?900. The PCS 33 is also available now. The PCS 44 is a 25MHz 80486SX box for heavy duty business functions, such as complex graphics and multimedia applications. It can be upgraded by adding an Intel Corp overdrive processor, or an Intel 80487SX co-processor to increase maths performance. The 44 has 4Mb of memory, a 1.44 floppy disk and an 85Mb or 170Mb hard disk, with prices of ?1,050 or ?1,150. It will be available from December. To promote its new software, Olivetti is providing an Action Set free with each machine until the end of December. This comprises four adult computer games, a sound board, speakers, and joystick. The Action Set is part of the company’s new Solutions Series. Also available is a Windows Starter Kit, with spreadsheet, word processing, time management and translation software for general business use. A multimedia package is planned for next quarter.