NEC Corp, now fabricating MIPS Computer Systems Inc’s R-series RISC microprocessors, has adopted the R3000 part in Japan for a high-end Unix server. The NEC Super Server UP4800/520 is rated at 33 MIPS and has up to a monster 320Mb main memory, up to 31Gb disk, and supports up to 100 lines. It costs from $105,000 and will ship in late September: the company is looking to get 3,000 of the things out the door in the three years to 1994. The company has also extended its Motorola 68000 family with three new 20 MIPS 68040-based models, the EWS4800/15, 50% smaller in size than the current EWS4800/10; the EWS4800/35 with high-speed graphics accelerator capable of 300,000 short-vectors per second; and the EWS4800/75, which takes up to 384Mb memory, 13.9Gb disk and colour display. With the introduction of Stratus Computer Inc’s 80860 RISC-based fault-tolerant Unix machines and the new in-house models, NEC reckons to have Unix offerings to serve both the technical and commercial sectors – but has yet to put the operating system on its Groupe Bull-compatible mainframes.