Ram Broadcasting Corp’s Ram Mobile Data Ltd unit’s multi-million dollar agreement with L M Ericsson Telefon AB for Mobidem modems to run on its Mobitex networks in the US and UK initially calls for the delivery of 10,000 of the radio modems starting in mid-April (CI No 1,878). The move marks something of a switch in Ram UK’s strategy; up until now the company has emphasised vendor independence. The company’s hands have been tied, however, by the fact that Ericsson – designer of the Mobitex system – has the only Mobitex-compatible modem on the market and Ram UK’s general manager, Karim Khoja, says that it is only the first of several deals with manufacturers. The deal has obvious implications for Datamate Communications Ltd, the London-based company which was signed late last month as a Ram systems integrator and has also formed a joint agreement with French manufacturer Talco SA to make an alternative to the Mobidem. With the partnership having sunk around UKP750,000 into development and with the modem, which is claimed to be both smaller and cheaper than the Mobidem going into beta test sites in around three months time, the timing of the Ericsson-Ram agreement is not good. Moreover, Datamate originally started developing the modem at Ram’s suggestion. Nonetheless, Datamate managing director David Taylor is philosophical about the move my main concern as a systems integrator is that we haven’t got products which are competitive to the Mobidem; he hopes that Ram will prove to be even-handed when Datamate appears.