Microport Inc, Scotts Valley, California, is ready with System V/4, its version of Unix System V.4 for IBM Corp’s top-end PS/2 Models 90 and 95, claiming it to be the first System V.4 iteration supporting IBM’s proprietary controller designs and Micro Channel-based peripherals. It supports desktop and server implementations and runs both MS-DOS and Unix concurrently. Workstation-style graphics, with X Window System 11.4 and Motif servers, 1,280 by 1,024 256-colour adaptors as well as VGA and Super VGA are included. X11.5 with support for XGA-2 comes later this month. System V/4 supports 56 SCSI devices simultaneously including both cacheing and non-cacheing IBM SCSI Busmaster adaptors and third-party products from Adaptec Inc and BusLogic Inc.