UK users will have dial-up access to the Internet from June, courtesy of Pipex Ltd. The Caller service will give users both terminal service access – via Telnet – and dial-up IP access via PPP and SLIP – to the Pipex national UK network over British Telecommunications Plc and Mercury Communications Ltd phone lines. The Dedicated Caller service provides exclusive use of a modem at the dial-up Point of Presence in Cambridge, while a worldwide option is available for users of either service giving access to the Internet. The Caller service will cost #400 a quarter and #250 joining fee, Caller Dedicated is #500 per quarter with #1,000 joining fee, and the worldwide option costs an extra #50 per quarter above the relevant Caller service. Pipex is also trying to increase the number of third-party value added services run over its network with extremely advantageous terms offered.