British company Financial Solutions Ltd, Basingstoke, Hampshire, has introduced Open1, a client-server corporate financial and accounting package for Microsoft Corp Windows NT, IBM Corp DB2/6000, Unix and OSF/1. Open1 is a multi-lingual, multi-currency package that conforms to all European Community and international accountancy standards. It works with Oracle, Ingres, Informix and Rdb databases, and supports a variety of graphical user interfaces including X Window, Motif, Apple Macintosh, Presentation Manager and Windows. Open1’s accounting modules have the same look and behaviour across all systems irrespective of the interface, the firm says. It also supports Microsoft’s ODBC Open Data Base Connectivity, SQL Access Group’s SQL Access and IBM’s DRDA Distributed Relational Database Architecture database access specifications. Open1 modules include general ledger, receivables and payables, cash management, capital projects, fixed assets, purchase order processing, sales invoicing and time recording. Future enhancements to the software will include support for Microsoft’s Object Linking & Embedding specification and use of multimedia, Financial Solutions promises. Available now, Open1 is priced at UKP1,000 per user.