International Data Corp reckons that Sun Microsystems Inc’s change of mind and its decision to support Solaris 1.0 on its low-end Sparcsystems after all will tack another year on to the point its base crosses over to Solaris 2.0. It now begins to look like happening at the end of next year, the Framingham, Massachusetts research outfit suggests. Meantime sources claim that SunSoft Inc is at odds with another Sun subsidiary, SunSelect Inc, over the transfer price it is being asked to pay for the WABI Windows Application Binary Interface. SunSoft presumably rates SunSelect’s most favourable pricing, which comes in at $18 per user, bundled, and $36 unbundled for single-user iAPX-86 boxes in volumes of 100,000 or $27 and $54 respectively for RISC-based boxes. SunSelect has also been having trouble coming to terms with other potential licensees such as Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp.