Woking, Surrey-based ComWare International Ltd has announced Data Collecte, a new MS-DOS personal computer-based file transfer software package. The package is based on Microcom Inc’s Relay Gold personal computer-to-mainframe communications software, for which ComWare acts as sole UK distributor: ComWare itself modified the software, to target smaller business users for whom ease and simplicity of use is a priority. Indeed, the company says that it can provide one-touch file transfer capabilities between the personal computer user and other personal computers, mainframes or to multiple remote sites. Compatible with any XT or AT computer, local network workstations or point of sale terminals, the product can be connected through dial-up telephone lines, or via X25 and ISDN. It is claimed to offer transmission speeds from 1,200bps to 57Kbps, with full error correction. Data compression is also incorporated, and the company says that this can boost transfer rates by up to 400%. Available immediately, the product costs UKP150 for a single-user version, while the twin pack incorporating client-server capabilities – costs UKP250.