The restless shifting tides of the US computer industry ensure that people may at times be down, but few are out for long, and out of the gathering gloom of the Everex Systems Inc Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings has sprung a new company, also in Fremont, California, raring to make its mark. It’s all very well for all the major computer manufacturers to say that all the money is in software and services these days, and that hardware is a commodity business, but if no-one wants to make the hardware, there’s no industry. Alaris Inc has been founded by two former Everex executives to address that potentially growing problem. It was founded by two former Everex executives, Raymond Yu, 33 as president, and Philip Lau, 35, vice-president, as a design and manufacturing house to meet the needs of systems integrators and personal computer vendors that do not want to get involved in design and manufacturing. Alaris will start out with a product line of iAPX-86-based personal computers. The company promises to provide its corporate customers with early access to leading-edge technology and says it is solidifying relationships with the kind of partners that can provide extremely high volume manufacturing, capability and full global distribution. It plans to announce and begin delivering product to customers by the beginning of next month. Yu was vice-president of engineering and vice-president of business development at Everex from 1986 to 1991and Lau was previously treasurer and vice-president of operations at Everex, where he says he was instrumental in the development of the Abaton and EMAC Macintosh divisions.