NCR’s SNA/Open GateWay hardware and software enables SNA users to access IBM 3270-based applications on a Unix system. The new communications processors add to NCR-Comten’s 5600 family of IBM 3745-compatible processors for SNA customers that need to interconnect local networks: the 5630 is a low-end model with channel-connect and local network concentrator abilities; and the Multiple Communications Adaptor Module is a new Micro Channel-based system for supporting emerging transport technologies such as ISDN, Frame Relay and Switched Multi-megabit Data Service. Along with the Multiple Communications Adaptor, Comten support for 16/4Mbps Token Ring and ISDN support was added in addition to Ethernet. Other enhancements include additional TCP/IP host applications (such as access to host line printers), expanded routing and applications programming interface support for CICS and IMS programmers. New StarSentry systems management applications include MS-DOS Management and OS/2 End Node and Server Management for remote administration and monitoring of MS-DOS and OS/2 personal computers, and Software Management for remote distribution and installation of softare files to MS-DOS, OS/2 and Unix computers, version tracking and inventory. The applications run under a unified graphical user interface under System Manager.