AS/400 starts to grow up with the four-processor 9406 Model E95

The 9406 Model E95 is a shared memory multiprocessor using four main processors, but multiprocessor OS/400 is not very efficient, because the gain is no more than 20% over the existing three-processor Model E90. The Model E95 offers main storage up to 512Mb, and the unit contains the system processor, a multi-function input-output processor, main storage, internal disk drive capacity of 1.28Gb, battery power unit, one communications adaptor and slot for optional quarter inch cartridge tape unit. The multi-function input-output processor is a standard feature and provides support for attachment of an optional cartridge tape unit feature, the internal drives and up to two communications adaptors. It also provides a hardware data compression function for the optional cartridge tape. A communications adaptor is standard on the 9406 and it provides one line with a 232/V.24 enhanced cable for attachment of a 5853, 7855 or equivalent modem. The second communication adaptor is optional and can be featured with an EIA 232/V.24 adaptor, an X21 adaptor or a V.35. The maximum aggregate operating rate for the adaptors is 83.2Kbps. IBM says its 9337 Disk Array Subsystem can improve system management of the 9406. It uses 3.5 disks and a new 9406 controller, and provides extended data loss protection through RAID-5, redundant power and concurrent maintenance. The new system, the expansion unit and the disk array will be available September 25.

Baby AS/400 9402 is enhanced

The number of communications lines on the 9402 E06 is increased to 14 from eight, and an expansion unit doubles the amount of disk drive capacity that can be installed to 7.9Gb; it has seven slots, up from the previous three. New optional Token-Ring and Ethernet adaptors use faster microprocessors and additional memory to improve throughput and these are offered on all but the 9402 Models D02 and E02. The 16/4Mbps Token-Ring Network Adaptor/HP is capable of up to three times the throughput of its predecessor and IBM says laboratory maxima are between 10Mbps and 12Mbps. The Ethernet IEEE 802.3 Adaptor/HP provides up to six times the throughput possible with the Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD adaptor, offering around 10Mbps, although actual throughput will be less than the adaptor’s capability. The Cartridge Tape Unit supports read and write up to 1.2Gb at 36Kbpi density on cartridge media with error correction capability incorporated into the data; read and write up to 525Mb at 16Kbpi density on 6525 media with error correction incorporated; read and write up to 120Mb at 10Kbpi density on the 6150 or 6525; and read data written from the 6157 tape unit or the 5363 53Mb internal tape drive when written in the System/36 format. The unit has an effective data rate of 300Kb per second when operating in the 1.2Gb format, 200Kb per second when operating in the 525Mb format and about 90Kb per second when operating in the 120Mb format. The unit attaches to the E models of 9402 systems via the Multi-Function input output processor in the base system unit or the Storage Device Controller when attached as a feature in the corresponding expansion unit. The hardware data compression is supported in the input-output processor attachments on all models, and IBM claims it gives some 1.4 times compression of data. RAID on 9337 Disk Array for November

The 9337 Disk Array Subsystem for the AS/400 9406 D and E Models is available in four models that offer up to seven 3.5 disk drives with redundant power and an improved controller. The Model 010 has two disk drives of 542Mb each with an option to add up to five additional drives of the same capacity. The Model 020 has two disk drives of 970Mb each with an option to add up to five drives and the data capacity ranges for the Models 010 and 020 are 1.08Gb to 3.8Gb and 1.9Gb to 6.8Gb respectively. The so-called High Availability Models 110 and 120 include four disk drives; the Model 110 disk drives are 542Mb each and the Model 120 disk drives are 970Mb each. Up to three disk dri

ves of the same capacity can be added in increments of 542Mb for the Model 110 and 970Mb for the Model 120. The High Availability models employ a variation of the Redundant Array of Independent Disks technique which allows the reconstruction of data in the event of a single disk drive outage. This availability option is implemented by distributing parity across four drives and 25% of each drive is commandeered for parity. The data capacity ranges of the 110 and 120 are 1.6Gb to 3.2Gb and 2.9Gb to 5.8Gb respectively. Model 010 can be field upgraded to Model 110 and Model 020 can be field upgraded to Model 120. The 9337 has an average latency of 6.95mS with an average access time of 9.8mS, or 9.4mS in read mode. It transfers data at 3M-bytes per second, 5Mb per second in SCSI synschronous mode. The models 010 and 020 are available September 25, Models 110 and 120 will follow in November.

Pricing on new AS/400 products, options

The 9337 array models 010, 020, 110 and 120 cost $20,400, $26,000, $31,800 and $42,000 respectively. Minimum monthly maintenance charges are either $135 or $190, the 542Mb and 970Mb disk drives are $3,700 and $6,000 in that order. To convert from the 010 to 110 or the 020 to 120 is $6,000. The 9406 Model E95 is an unexpectedly-low $973,000 with minimum monthly charges of $3,500 while the Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 Adaptor/HP and the 16/4Mbps Token-Ring Network Adaptor/HP are $4,500 each. The Removable Media Device Cluster Box is $9,950, and the Twinaxial Workstation Controller costs $2,375. The 1.2Gb Cartridge Tape Unit costs $3,890 and the Device Controller is $7,000 with monthly maintenance at $3,335. Upgrades range from $73,000 to go from E90 to E95 to $961,000 for the B30/P30-to-E95 migration valuing your old Model 30 at a princely $12,000.

InfoWindow II 3486/3487 Display Station

The InfoWindow II 3486/3487 Display Station is a follow-on to the InfoWindow 3476/3477. It offers the same basic functions for attachment to AS/400 and System/36 processors, and new features include an Enhanced User Interface providing graphical characters with mouse support, additional screen formats, simultaneous support for two display sessions and one printer session, a built-in calculator and and an expansion cartridge capability. Enhancements include operator selectable horizontal or vertical split screen, support for additional printers, and 3812-SCS printer emulation. The 3486 Model BAx/BGx ships on September 25, as does the 3487 Model HCx and the 3487 Model HAx/HGx will be available June 25, 1993. The InfoWindow II Display Stations II 3486/87 cost between $920 and $1,265.