Motally, a mobile analytics provider, has revealed the beta launch of its mobile application analytics service for iPhone and Blackberry, with support for Android.

The company claimed that the mobile application tracker is designed to give developers insight and control over their data with features like specific event tracking, demographic data collection, and configurable delivery mechanisms. The service allows developers and publishers to learn more about their users and optimise product offerings.

According to the company, the addition of application analytics to its existing mobile-web analytics provides one common interface for publishers and advertisers to track all their mobile services – mobile-web and applications.

Arte Merritt, founder and CEO of Motally, said: “The possibilities of data we can capture and report on are nearly endless and give publishers the most flexibility to understand usage of their applications.”

The company said that in addition to ‘standard’ tracking, the new offering provides a means to track debug statements, error statements, generic actions, startup and shutdown, content and search. Event types provide granular reporting and allow to adjust the settings for what data to track.

The company added that developers also have control over when tracking events are sent to Motally, how many are sent at a time, and what connection type is used.

Motally’s service is a hosted product available in a free community version and a premium enterprise version.