IBM yesterday accompanied the 3090 kickers with its array of over 50 hardware and software products for computer-integrated manufacturing under the name CIM Advantage. It includes IBM products created by IBM’s development community, applications initially developed for use in its own internal manufacturing operations, and products developed jointly with IBM Business Partners and customers. The company promises the factory world facilities for enterprise-wide data integration; data communications and data presentation facilities; engineering systems applications covering graphics and release of engineering data to manufacturing; plant systems innovations such as an application builder for the plant floor; process monitoring and parts inspection capabilities; and links to office and other business processes. The offerings embrace both IBM’s proprietary Systems Application Architecture machines 370, AS/400 and PS/2 – and its AIX Unix machines, with applications development supported in the AD/Cycle regime. A new CIM Communications and Data Facility provides the repository and store for managing data. On the hardware front, the company launched the 6090 Graphics System, which it claims will help to encourage design innovation through improved three dimensional visualisation of complex computer-aided design and manufacturing applications. The System/370-based 6090 Graphics System includes the 6095 Graphics Processor, new control units, displays and plotters – and, in case you were wondering, it does not replace the 5080. A new ProductManager: Engineering Management Edition application is designed to help customers manage product and process information from product inception through to release to manufacturing. It also helps control the release of engineering changes within the enterprise. Valisys: Quality Intelligence and Inspection Editions are third party applications from Valisys Corp designed to improve the quality and productivity of parts design and manufacturing. Catia will be the primary CAD/CAM system for the new manufacturing regime. Other new engineering offerings include IBM CAD Version 1.20 and CAD Plus Version 1.20 for the PS/2. The Plant Floor Series of the IBM CIM Advantage family expands the software and hardware for plant floor systems integration, and includes a new IBM PlantWorks: Application Automation Edition, a set of SAA-compliant licensed programs developed jointly by IBM and Measurex Automation Systems Inc. The programs are designed to help manufacturing and process industry engineers with little or no programming background to create custom applications. The new IBM Gearbox Model 800 is a new 80386-based industrial computer to support high performance applications on the plant floor. The industrial data collection workstation line is expanded with the IBM 7527 Data Collection Terminals Models 1 and 2. And new MAP Version 3.0 support products support applications sharing between multi-vendor hardware. Mapics and Copics have been enhanced.