IBM may seek to emphasise its 80286-based Personal Computers as single-user systems, but the Intel chip is quite man enough to support a clutch of concurrent users, and a Unix applications developer with the irritatingly pretentious name of State of the Art Inc has been going around collecting all the bits to get Personal users started on the multi-terminal tack. The Costa Mesa, California company has picked up Xenix System V from Santa Cruz Operation, a multi-user serial port expansion board from Arnet Corp, Nashville, Tennessee, and the Business Basic Extended interepretor developed by Basis Inc, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is bundling the lot together as a starter kit with its own M*A*S 90 Master Accounting Series suite of applications. Price for the turnkey kit – Xenix V, BBx Basic interpreter and multi-user board and cables – starts at $1,195 for a four-user system, plus $795 for each of the nine modules in the Xenix version of M*A*S 90 – general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, inventory management, sales order processing, purchase order processing, bank reconciliation and report master.