Western Union Corp, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey has introduced OfficeAccess for Data General to its OfficeAccess line of software products: the new version links the Data General Eclipse MV minis to the EasyLink electronic mail services and enables Data General Comprehensive Electronic Office to use EasyLink for facsimile, telex, electronic mail, Mailgram message, cablegram, telegram or Priority Letter directly from their workstations, and it also works with Eclipses not using CEO; other systems supported by OfficeAccess implementations include DEC’s All-In-1 and VMS Mail, Wang Office and MS-DOS and Western Union’s NetworkAccess supports IBM Profs, DisOSS and SNADS connections to EasyLink; the Data General version was developed for Western Union by CompLink Ltd of Brooklyn, New York and costs $2,225 to $24,145 depending on CPU.