Unisys has unveiled new End-User Productivity Services, a suite of services designed to provide organisations with the ability to support an increasingly mobile, technology-smart workforce that values integration of consumer technologies into the workplace.
Unisys End-User Productivity Services cover a range of traditional desktop services, such as device management and application management services, with plug-and-play service desk support and on-site support for multi-vendor devices.
According to Unisys, the new services will enable CIOs to reduce end-user costs by providing support for devices, desktops, applications and mobility through a flexible mixture of traditional, virtualised and secure cloud-based service delivery models.
The new services include real-time monitoring of desktop applications for response time and faults. This enables Unisys to provide capabilities for anticipating and resolving faults in devices and applications. It also offers remote management of Windows Mobile and BlackBerry devices.
Those desktop services are combined with hosting and virtualisation services that use the web and the Unisys Secure Cloud Solution for service delivery to provide end users with an individualised experience.
Virtual Office as a Service (VOaaS) provides access to standard office suites via subscription through the Unisys Secure Cloud Solution; and Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) provide delivery, through Unisys Secure Cloud Solution, of Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server and Microsoft Office Communicator applications in a multi-tenant environment.
Unisys also plans to provide portal-based delivery for managed digital allowances to provide employees with a mechanism to purchase the devices they want to use for work.
The End-User Productivity Services will draw on Unisys full portfolio of IT outsourcing services. These services include the Converged Remote Infrastructure Management solution, which provides a unified way to view, monitor and mange the IT infrastructure; Smart On-Site Services, for consolidated management of technology support activities for geographically distributed organisations frequently performed by multiple providers; and Unisys Secure Cloud Solution, a managed public cloud service providing industrial-strength data protection for multi-tenant client environments.
The company said that users will have the choice of running centrally managed applications locally on their mobile devices or accessing them through cloud-based services, or a mixture of delivery options.