Memorex Telex says that its new 3635 disk storage system for the System 38, AS/400 and 9370 provides additional storage capacity and performance over IBM’s alternative, the 9335. (In all fairness, IBM has indicated that the 9335 is on its way out). The 3635 comprises the 3639 storage rack which contains up to six 3625 storage units and four 3638 control units providing up to 10.3Gb of data. Two 3625-2 storage modules can be attached to the 3638 control unit, offering a maximum string capacity of 3.4Gb, and the 3635-1 storage module is a rack-mounted unit containing a 5.25 disk assembly. The 3625-2 storage module is also a rack mounted unit with two 5.25 disk assemblies. The 3625 is available immediately, at prices starting from UKP15,000.