Supercomputing Solutions Inc, the San Diego company in which Concurrent Computer Corp was a shareholder, has unveiled its Capps-9064 parallel supercomputer and says it will announce full-scale volume production of the 64-bit multiprocessor in June. The Capps-9064 is claimed to provide the sustained performance levels of conventional supercomputers with a 20 to one improvement in price-performance. The machine has 32 nodes, is rated at 800 MFLOPS peak, and will be offered with C, Fortran and assembler. It is aimed at computational fluid dynamics, large scale simulations and computational electromagnetics. Tennessee Democrat Senator Albert Gore was on hand at the unveiling: he is the author of the National High-Performance Computer Technology Act of 1989, which calls for the establishment of a national US supercomputer network, research and development, new software, new supercomputer systems and basic research and education, and calls for aggregate Federal government spending on supercomputers in the next five years to hit $1,700m.