The financial systems consultants and software supplier Quotient Plc of London EC1 has bought the City of London systems integration house Datacorp Ltd for UKP100,000 in cash. Datacorp’s business is largely built around its FISC system, an information management system for dealing rooms designed to integrate a wide range of digital and video information feeds. Via FISC, Datacorp offers users custom-built hardware to fulfil video requirements and on the digital side it supports personal computers that run software in the Microsoft Windows environment, written in C. Datacorp, which last year showed net assets of UKP470,843 and pre-tax profit of UKP50,225, currently has 31 clients including the 3i Group and Bankers Trust. Quotient’s chairman Tim Simon says that the acquisition will help the company to develop its front office information delivery in, for example, the commodity market. He added that FISC is complementary to Quotient’s own products and plans to merge Datacorp with two of Quotient’s areas to form a new group specialising in dealing room systems, which will employ up to 45 people. However, Simon said that the purchase was made quickly and no decisions had yet been taken on the changes it will necessitate.