As part of its development agreement with Hitachi Ltd, Interactive Systems Corp of Santa Monica, California has ported a version of its IN/ix operating system to Hitachi’s M-series of IBM-compatible mainframes. This implementation of AT&T’s System V Release will be called the HI-UX/M/BS and will run as a guest under Hitachi’s proprietary operating systems, VMS/ESO and VMS/ES, which are similar to IBM’s VM/370. Interactive is promising HI-UX/M/BS for delivery by March, but despite the pioneering work done by Amdahl Corp in bringing Unix into the IBM mainframe world, bringing out its first implementation way back in 1980, none of Hitachi’s resellers – National Advanced Systems, Comparex, Olivetti, Nixdorf – have so far shown any interest in adding Unix to the offerings on the IBM-compatible mainframes they market.