Tadpole Technology Plc, the Cambridge-based Unix board builder, was able to report a splendid 1987 with net profit up 341% and turnover up 126% (see Company Results, below). The company, whose shares are quoted on the informal London over-the-counter market, is proposing a rights issue to raise another UKP500,000 of working capital, but details have not yet been published. It also says that it plans to acquire the 64% it doesn’t already own of its US marketing and procurement company Tadpole Technology Inc in Dublin, California. It also says that new customers acquired during the year included GEC and its Marconi subsidiary, Ferranti International, McDonnell Douglas, GE, Ericsson Computer Systems, Unisys, Honeywell Bull, Amdahl and Martin Marietta, while British Telecom and Plessey continued to buy. Big news for the immediate future will be the boards built around the new Motorola RISC, which will be offered with the company’s own optimising C compiler (not a bought-in product as incorrectly stated in CI No 897), which the firm says was spec.lh 6 ifically designed to get the best out of the RISC.