Data General Corp yesterday announced the first products from its year-old Communications Systems Group. The new hardware and software products are designed to make it easier for users of Data General Eclipse MV minicomputers to communicate with IBM Personals and Personalikes, and the company also announced CEO/PXA, a link between its own Comprehensive Electronic Office and IBM’s Profs Professional Office System. DG/PC*I provides a choice of three local area network interfaces – DG/Starlan, Thin Ethernet and standard Ethernet – to link MS-DOS computers to its 32-bit MV minis, and supports the MS-Net networked version of MS-DOS. It also includes Workstation Transport System, a NetBIOS and ISO-compatible interface betwen applications and the physical network. With the hardware and software, Data General announced DG/PC*I Service, a network planning, design, installation management and consulting service. The DG/PC*1 platform also supports the new CEOwrite Revision 2 that runs on IBM Personalikes; the new release adds a spell-checker and automatic hyphenation, column editing and multiple columns side by side, and additional scientific and mathematical functions; it costs $450. CEOwrite Network is a three-user networking utility for use with CEO write costing $375. The new CEO PXA Profs Exchange Architecture supports electronic mail and document interchange between CEO and Profs, complementing its existing interface to IBM’s DisOSS. It includes document interchange with Script and Displaywrite as well as Profs, and Data General sees it big plus in its battle with IBM’s 9370s for the departmental processing market. It costs from $5,250 to $10,500.