ZoomMed claimed that ZRx Prescriber application turns out to be a valuable tool for the Canadian Pharmaceutical Industry. ZRx Prescriber enables physicians to use a wireless device, such as the IPod Touch, IPhone, other PDA’s or computers, to rapidly write and deliver scripts.

ZoomMed e-Pic communication network allows intercommunications between physicians who use the ZRx Prescriber, pharmacists and other organisations who are members of the network. Thus, physicians, pharmacists and other organisations can transfer, capture (scan), and electronically receive prescription information, renewals and referral information through secure network.

ZoomMed ZRx Pharma communication network allows information dissemination and intercommunication between pharmaceutical corporations and physicians using the ZRx Prescriber, such as; continuing medical education, new product launches, medical training, major medical alerts, clinical studies and surveys.

Yves Marmet, president and CEO of ZoomMed, said: The purpose of this agreement is to provide Cameron Stewart LifeScience and the Canadian Pharmaceutical Industry with an application allowing physicians to electronically print, sampling cards, co-payment assistance and brand loyalty cards, for their patients, using the ZRx Prescriber.

Consequently, these electronically printed cards will enhance both parties product offering and will generate additional revenues. Furthermore, it is expected to simplify the physician’s work load and facilitate patient’s access to those services and therefore, speed up the process.

ZoomMed’s Communication Networks have gained notoriety, proving beyond any doubt that we have an effective communication system, appreciated by physicians and other health care organisation.