Blueslice Networks has unveiled an integrated Subscriber Data Management (SDM) suite supporting the 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard.

According to Blueslice, the LTE Home Subscriber Server (LTE-HSS) is built on Converged Subscriber Platform 3000 and CSP 3000. With the Software Release 5.3, the CSP 3000 supports subscriber management for 2G (GSM/GPRS/EDGE), 3G (UMTS/HSPA), IMS, as well as LTE; enabling to consolidate and share subscriber information across all generations of 3GPP technologies. In addition, it allows compatibility and interworking with all Evolved Packet Core (EPC) applications.

The company said that the LTE-HSS leverages the eSDM architecture of the CSP 3000, including its 3GPP-UDC compliant distributed SDS 3000 database. It is compliant with 3GPP Release 9 standards with simultaneous support for 2G/3G ngHLR, LTE and IMS HSS, sharing processing logic, subscriber contexts and volatile data.

The Blueslice LTE product suite allows service providers to control their growth and shift to LTE and reduces their network and provisioning complexity, the company claims.

Luc Mayrand, VP of research and development at Blueslice Networks, said: “LTE is not just about download speeds! While legacy vendors are focused on creating a new, isolated LTE-HSS to support their radio developments, Blueslice is focusing on the real commercial challenges: how will service providers ensure seamless mobility and service continuity in a world with LTE islands surrounded by 2G and 3G coverage?”.