CalComp Ltd has introduced a PS/2 version of its DrawingCard graphics display system, formerly available for AT-alikes only. It is based on Texas Instruments’ signal processor, the TMS320C30, and is claimed to be the fastest PS/2 graphics board currently available in the UK. The signal processor performs graphics tasks normally handled by the system, processing more than 102,000 two dimensional vectors per second, and capable of drawing at 14m pixels per second. Model 3501 has a pixel resolution of 1,024 by 768, 16 displayable colours and 16.7m palette colours. Model 3502 has the same pixel resolution and palette colours, but offers 256 displayable colours. In addition to AutoCAD drivers, DrawingCard comes with device drivers for several software packages, and under the Icon Menu Interface, there are a number of icon functions as well as an icon editor that enables users to design up to 32 icons or to modify existing ones. A DrawingManager utility enables AutoCAD users to browse through drawings up to 10 times faster than when using AutoCAD alone, and the system also includes a single-card graphics controller and colour monitor which fits into the computer’s 16-bit slot. The DrawingCard is available either from the Twyford, Berkshire-based company or via its dealer network and it costs UKP1,400.